Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Wait Of 2 Hours

We placed a re-order for Simply Thick tonight. That means Sloane has drank 50 thickened cups of JU. Pretty incredible if you ask her mom and dad! I ordered 50 more packets of honey consistency. It is unclear when we will be able to thin down more into nectar consistency. Maybe on Tuesday, Dr. Rahbar will have some insight as to when that change will happen. I assume it is months away? Sloane has been successful with 4 1/2 oz of liquid to one packet of Simply Thick Honey Consistency, but I do not know how thinned out honey consistency can become. Do we move to 5 oz, then 5 1/2 oz. and then 6 oz.?? I am sure Dr. Rahbar will concur with our SLP on the protocol.

Tuesday will be interesting. If you have never had an appt. with a Dr. as specialized and in demand as Dr. Rahbar, I am sure it is hard to imagine that at most appts. we wait at least 2 hours for him. Let me repeat, at most appts. with Dr. Rahbar, we wait at least 2 hours to see him.  If our appt. is at 10, we see him around 12:30. It is never clear why this is. I know he only sees patients on Tuesday and I know that patients come from all over the East Coast to see him so I figure those 2 factors give us the result of a LONG day. We do try to keep Sloane as occupied as we can. The staff is apologetic as they can be. And once, Dr. Rahbar arrives, we NEVER feel rushed. He is worth the wait and his PA always clarifies anything we need her to after the fact in a prompt manner. When anyone in our circle of trust wants to come at an appointment with me and mammie, I give them fair warning about the timing of the day. Our appointment isnt an appointment time, it is an appointment day!

Because we are driving at least an hour to Children's, have a significant wait before our appointment, spend a good amount of time with Dr. Rahbar and his team, and then have the drive home....the day can take a toll on Sloane. There is a lot of sitting involved, some invasive procedures and not much free play....not exactly the recipe for a fun toddler day. I have already started to develop of list of items to take with us to make the day as fun as it can be. I hope Dr. Rahbar's office is ready for a bubble show!!! One of Sloane's favorites!! 

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