Monday, February 13, 2012

The Other Girl

As I was jogging today at the gym, I reflected on something. I was coming up on 2 miles and feeling good. I mentally felt like the old me; physically not so much!!!  As I found my stride or rather pant, I thought about the old me...the other girl.

 Before I write any further, I would like to say...I only get time to go to the gym bc of 2 very special pp in my life who watch Sloane for me. My hubby commutes for work and his day is much longer than it should be so I have to rely on others to have some time away from Sloane. The gyms happens a whopping 2 times a week although I am not complaining. I love getting to go!! The working out thing has always been part of my life but you would never know it. I should look like a playboy bunny as a result of all the hours I have logged in at a gym these past 20 years. I don't and its not because of the pregnancy. I have always double digits away from a size 2 if you get my drift!!

Anyhow, I have decided to publicly apologize for being the other girl in my past. You moms know that other girl!! The one who doesn't have something besides their job and/or husband in their life filling their time. The girl who has a weekly standing nail appt., goes to the gym nightly, goes on sexy vacations frequently, sits on the beach with a girlie book for days on end, and buys new clothes just for fun. I was that girl for years and she is as fabulous! I remember her and love her. She was as fabulous as this girl who is now a mom. Its just a different kind of fabulous. "Mom Fabulousness" for me is something that can't be explained in words. Nowadays, my nails are on whim, the vacations aren't happening, a beach? what's that, and I need personal shopper to help me buy clothes but I wouldn't trade it in to be the other girl again. I loved her but I have moved on.

 So to my friends who had children long before me...if there was a time when I was that other girl to you on a not so great day...I Am Sorry!! Maybe it was a day when you had to hold your eyes open with toothpicks or on a day when your witching hour was bringing you to tears, or maybe it was a day when you missed a shower or maybe it was a day when your only luxury was a drive thru coffee. Whichever the day....I know now what fabulous means in 2 different forms!!! Thank you for paving the way.

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