Monday, July 2, 2012

Zantic Antics

The mickey button site has been downgraded to a category 5 to a category 1 issue. We replaced all the gauze today with a band aid. The site, itself, looks good to us but the truth be told... what the hell do we know? There is no leakage and its coloring does not indict an infection, but beyond that I am clueless. I am going to assume that the top layer of skin can not fuse together so I think they will always be a slit/opening/hole/indentation resembling another belly button. The skin around that slit/opening/hole/indentation is going to need some tweaking by Dr. K in the future. It is granulated. She had told us that she would burn it a bit to try to get it smoother. That isnt something I intend to do sooner than later unless we have to. An auntie said to me...ohhh, don't worry about that skin, she is your kid, she will probably want a tattoo around it!! LOL I had to laugh! That's a NO!! I do have 2 tats myself so that would be an interesting conversation.

So here is the first problem now that Sloane has no g-tube! I am having some major issues syringing her Zantac into her mouth. I switched her to a chewable fruity vitamin to alleviate that issue since her Poly-Vi-Sol with iron tastes like road caucus. Now, I am sure it is hard to believe, but the Zantac tastes even worse! Unfortunately, Zantac doesn't come in a fruity flavor. I did consider adding Mio drops to it for flavor...LOL! I also suggested to my hubby that we freeze it into small chips. Sloane loves to munch ice chips. We have to do something. I have tried to squirt it into the back of her cheek, disguise it in ice cream, dissolve it in her JU and drizzle it on her food. It is all not working. In the back of my mind, I wasnt overly concerned because I was thinking we were going to be able to wean her off the Zantac soon. I think that was rose colored glasses thought because on 2 different nights this week, Sloane hasnt had her Zantac. On those nights my angelic sleeper was up every hour on the hour screaming for me. Either my child is still refluxing significantly or she is having terrible nightmares.

After last night, I was determined to get the Zantac into her. I took the syringe into her cheek approach tonight. There were major tears, full fledge gagging, and some spitting. VERY FUN!! I did think for one fleeting second how easy it had been to push the meds through the mickey button. The thought passed faster than a speeding bullet. We shall see how tonight goes. I am hoping that some of the dosage made it into Sloane. I have already chatted with the NP at our ped's office once about the Zantac antics and I'm pretty sure I am calling again tomorrow.

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