Friday, July 13, 2012

Belly Button #2

Sloane has started building her vocabulary all on her own. Leave it to my child. Apparently, I am not doing that good of a job and she has taken it on herself. For the past few days, she has wanted me to tell her the name of everything. For example, her tiny finger points to my earring and she says "what yat (that)?" And I say "an earring" and she says "oh" and we move on to the next object. I think we labeled at the very least 25 things throughout the day. She is picking up words at a rapid speed. Considering that my hubby and I have mouths like truck drivers, there is a HOLD on all inappropriate words. We are polishing up on our spelling skills! It is hysterical. LOL

I am unclear on how to label her mickey button site. Sloane points to it every time she has a diaper change and asks "what's this?" I stumble sometimes, I distract her sometimes and other times I say that is your special mark. I have no clue what to say. It's a conversation between my hubby and I that hasn't happened yet. I don't want to gloss it over. I want Sloane to know about her mickey button as she grows. It is part of her story and always will be.

The site looks amazing! I still think it looks like a 2nd belly button and I may just be right. The aunties had Sloane the other day and her little friend was there. He saw Sloane's belly and asked his auntie why she has 2 belly buttons. Sloane's little friend is 4...out of the mouths of babes! He confirmed it. The mickey button site does, in fact, look like a 2nd belly button.

As for Operation Fluids, all is going well. We are seeing Dr. Rahbar next month for a follow-up and we should be scheduled for a swallowing therapy appointment within the next month. Note to self: I need to call Sheila at Children's Hospital and check on this.

Sloane is on 8 1/2 ounces of liquid to one packet of Simply Thick. I have moved at a pace slower than a snail on thinning out Sloane's liquids (sorry, mammie). I have been on such a high with the mickey button going GONZO that I let the liquids slide a bit. Sloane is still drinking between 12 to 16 ounces on an average day. Most of it is flavored water, but Almond Chocolate milk is running a close second.

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