Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Professionally Speaking

It is crazy what you can learn from a professional. I am one that usually lets a professional make the call on certain things...actually most things aside from paint colors. I happen to think I am a professional when it comes to paint color choices!! LOL

Our meeting with Kara, the swallowing professional, was very informative on Friday in regards to Simply Thick. Here are so quick notes:

1. The amount of Simply Thick in the packet is only 1 tablespoon. I never measured it, but simply assumed that it was much more. One tablespoon of Simply Thick to 8 ounces of a liquid.

2. Simply Thick comes in a pump container. Just like a big one of shampoo you might see at your hairdressers. It resembles a large hand sanitizer pump container which would not be ideal in our house since we have pump bottles of that in every nook and cranny. I like the packets better because I feel like they are more consistent. Worrying about if everyone is pumping the correct amount would give me more gray hairs.

3. Children's Hospital has revised their protocol on Simply Thick in regards to the recalls. The reality is that Sloane is not in the same danger as preemies and infants under 3 months for NEC, but the long term effects of Simply Thick on any age group have not been researched. Older toddlers and children did experience some gastro illness, but nothing more than abnormal loose bowel movements. I can not at this point recall any that were worrisome. The long term effects are ALWAYS on our minds.

4. Kara did give me other options to use to thicken Sloane's liquids, but most of them would change the texture of her liquids which is concerning. Sloane has come so far on Simply Thick and in a few weeks we MIGHT be rounding the corner....decreasing from 1 packet to a 1/2 of a packet in 8 ounces so I am leery to change anything up at this point in fear that Sloane will refuse the new options.

5. Sloane (after she has drank 8oz. to one packet w/o any issues for 2 weeks) MAYBE able to drink some commercially available nectar consistency liquids like:
Gerber Yogurt Juice
Dannon Drinkable Yogurt
Naked Smoothies
Goya Fruit Nectar
We will try them at home first and see how it goes. I am very interested in Odwalla Smoothies for Kids. I can not find them anywhere and they cant be ordered online. I know that Sloane will love having her very own juice box to hold. I have the circle of trust on the lookout for them.

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