Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hawk Eyes

So I mentioned to mammie on Monday that I was thinking of moving Sloane up to 8 oz. to one packet earlier than it is scheduled to happen. I may have spoke to soon. There has been some coughing the past 2 days. I can't get a handle on why yet. As I am sure you assume, I do not watch every sip that Sloane's takes from her sippy/straw cup. If she is drinking from another vessel then I am hawk eyes, but her sippy/straw cup has given her some freedom.

The coughing has happened a few times a day and because I am not right there, I can not tell if it is a consistency issue or a volume issue. I have decided to keep everything the same until the scheduled move up day Monday. My focus now will be to watch every sip so I can make a determination. If she continues with the coughing, I THINK I will leave her at 7 oz. until swallowing therapy on Friday so I can get Cara's input. If it subsides, then we will move on to 8 oz. on Monday.

I am typing this during nap time which is laundry time for me. I would just let to tell the cyber world that I am sick and tired of food stains on Sloane's clothes. I do the cycle of spray, wash, re-spray, re-wash, soak and re-wash again on some items. It is ridiculous!! There are some days that a big drum of clothes soaking in Oxy Clean water is in my kitchen sink like a witch's brew. Talk about annoying!!

Why am I on this rant today??? Well, yesterday, Sloane wore some brand new very cute neon yellow skinny jeans with a tunic to her nursery school visit (another post for another day...but spoiler alert: SO FUN) and she dripped some watermelon on the leg of the jeans near her ankle. Certainly not a spot that a bib would cover, maybe a mu-mu, but not a bib!!! So as soon as they are off her, I spray them and throw them in the wash. Let's be clear it was only watermelon juice!!! I take them out of the dryer today and the freakin' spot is still there!!! This would have been acceptable to me if I let the stain settle in for days or if I didn't spray them with a spot cleaner first!!

The pile of clothes to be spot cleaned on top of my dryer keeps growing! And I don't know how to fix the problem. I am hawk eyes before I toss any of her clothes in the washer. Examining them in the bright light, looking for a drip or smear. Last week, I actually changed Sloane in crummy clothes for dinner time. Not before, I told my hubby that I was going to invent a zip up comfy tunic for her to wear during eating times!! Like an eating smock instead of an art smock. Another invention thought that I will do nothing with!!

I was already obsessed with laundry. My hubby had a mini intervention with me once. He instituted that Sundays was a laundry free day. It drove me crazy. I like the bin to be empty at all times. Now, the food stains are sending me over the edge. I love fruit and fruit is becoming my enemy.

Some days, I am embarrassed to admit that I pick Sloane's fruits choices based on what she is wearing. Irrational and a bit concerning.....I know!!! If she has something new and light colored on or if there isn't a bib accessorizing her, I'll give her an apple, pear or banana. If her outfit is older and darker colored, she gets watermelon, berries or melon. Thank goodness, Sloane would choose to eat any fruit over any other type of food any day because her mother is a nut!

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