Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Need To....

What I have noticed over the past few days:

1. Sloane is a not drinking as much as I want her too without prompting. I am not sure why? Is it the fact that it is chiller outside and she is not as thirsty. Is she not interested in the liquids I am offering her? Is she taking ownership over the whats and whens of her drinking? I need to get a larger variety of drinks in our home!

2. We have way too much stuff in our house. If the general public saw how we are living in midst of our house renovation, I think they would die. I need to purge our home!!

3. I am starting to get obsessed with Pinterest. I have no idea how to use it, but I keep pinning things into one random board....its very disorganized.  Many of my pins are about home decor and tips on how to organize your home. It makes me really happy to look at my board every night. I dream about having a house with labeled bins, boxes, and crates everywhere. My board is becoming a bit too much. I need to reorganize my Pinterest board!!!

4. I was suppose to decrease Sloane's Simply Thick down to 1/2 a packet to 8 oz. of liquid yesterday. I didnt do it. There isnt a specific reason why. There are only a list of them. I need to decrease the Simply Thick tomorrow!!!!

5. I havent thought about the fact that we are going to see Dr. Rahbar on Tuesday. It is going to be a big day; a 2nd surgery discussion MAY occur.  Im not sure making the appointment the day before Halloween was the best idea, but it is what it is. I need to spend some time mentally preparing for our visit!!!

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