Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Big Switch

So it is official! There is a big girl bed in my daughter's room. I can not believe it. My hubby and I did the big switch this morning with Sloane following us around chomping at the bit to get on her big girl bed. As I sit here blogging, she is taking her first nap in her bed. And it wasnt until I saw her teeny tiny little being tucked into this big bed that I shed a tear. We have turned a corner. Sloane is a big girl! 

Taking the crib down didnt bother me as much as I thought it would. Many of my friends have been emotional about it with their own children and a few in our circle of trust were all "nooooo, she is a baby. dont do it yet." when we told them. It truly didnt bother me. There was a minute when we turned her crib into the toddler bed this morning that I thought: Stop! Leave it like that for a few months. But that thought was fleeting and so the whole crib was dismantled and the queen size bed was screwed together. My adult life has been about constant change for the past 20 years. Evolving, growing, moving I guess the big girl bed, for me, falls into that same thought process. 

I did think about the big switch all week and yesterday had a heart to heart with my hubby about it. It wasnt not seeing the crib anymore that was bothering me, it was how fast time has gone by. The fact that I have raised a child who is big enough for a bed. Where has the time go? Everyone tells flies by. You just dont believe them. In the past 2 months, Sloane has been potty trained, started going to recreational classes alone and now sleeps my old adult bed. Its enough to make you shake your head!!

As with all milestones, there is an adjustment period. the next week or 2 will be interesting. Will she be afraid when she wakes up in her new bed? Will Sloane call for us when she wakes up or try to hurtle the bed rails to come into our room??? Will she actually sleep or will the novelty get her all in a tizz? I guess we shall see, but for now there is a teeny tiny princess sleeping in a very big queen sized bed in my house!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love it, I love her bed. I remember too like it was yesterday when Sofia got her "big" bed.. The great thing is that you can sleep with her when needed...
