Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twice The Time 2s

Let me tell you why I think The Terrible 2s, as they are called, should be renamed "Twice the Time 2s" in our house. Everything I want to, need to, have to do and end up doing takes twice the time lately. It is unbelievable!! Nothing gets done quickly or efficiently anymore. I swear to GOD, my 3 loads of daily laundry take from 7am to 8pm  to finish. I used to wonder why my mommy friends would have piles of laundry on their couches unfolded. Now, I know!!! Our bed is covered by a heap of oxy-cleaned, very wrinkled clothes for hours each day!! I am sure this makes many of my readers cringe because a perfect fold is part of their nature, but I honestly am being pulled away from the pile all day with "mommy, come play", "momma, come back", "mom, i want you", "tarwa, where are you?"

I spent sometime thinking about this Twice The Time problem today because some days I wonder where the fuck my day went?? Today, my shower took twice the time and with that my towel cabinet was emptied all over the floor, there was a pile of books scattered in the walkway and Sloane was wearing a beautiful shade of Russian Red lipstick from my makeup drawer. (Note to self: move the make-up higher up or better still throw it away seeing as though you havent worn a stitch beyond mascara and lip gloss in 2 years). Twice the time!! A standard shower followed up by the same amount of clean-up time.  One day last week, I had the awesome idea to take crayons and huge construction paper in the bathroom during shower time so Sloane would stay busy. One of my more stupid ideas....broken crayons and torn paper wrappers everywhere!! It was a wonderful reminder why I used to take a shower while Sloane was hooked up to her feeding tube fed in her highchair unable to move for 30 minutes.

Another example of Twice the Time 2s is dinner prep. I am no longer a fancy cook. There was a time when I would rip out recipes on Sundays and try them that week. Not anymore!! Here at 1029, a fancy meal is a simple pasta dish that has more than 4 ingredients! LOL. Tonight, I felt adventurous so I decided to make 3 side dishes...another stupid idea. The witching hour 5 to 7pm was turned into a quick jaunt to toddler tantrum hell!! Sloane wants me to play with her, sit near her, sing with her, dance with her, and be with her. There was a juggling act between the oven, 2 boiling pans, a cutting board and my 2 year old best friend!! Dinner took twice the time to make and then twice the time to eat!

Just about everything takes twice the time for me, but half the time for Sloane. LOL She is buzzing around most days getting all her learning and playing done in record time while I am running around like a chicken with her head cut off getting my stuff done in a Twice The Time way!

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