Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sleep, Please

Sorry for leaving everyone hanging last night. I was so tired for Sunday night's events and yesterday that by bedtime I shut off the lights at 8:30 and wished for a hibernation type sleep. In sharp contrast, last night's sleep was more like a scene from the movie The All Nighter. Sloane was beyond restless and not much deep sleeping occurred.

Anyhow, back to yesterday. We went back to the ped and confirmed our croup diagnosis but Sloane also has a bad cold. In the past, they havent come hand and hand, but as luck would have it they did this time. She has a nasty cough and a runny nose. It hasnt been pretty.

This is Sloane's first real cold battle. How lucky are we??? We have had runny noses, but this is the first time she has had the whole gamut. Its hard to manage a child with a cold. I cant believe I am saying this since I have managed much worse in my 3 short years of motherhood, but the cold is not fun at all.

We have the drippy nose, the deep cough, the chapped lips, the dry face from all the nose wiping, and clinginess all on one tiny very blah tired child. Not fun at all for the whole family. Meanwhile the parents arent to hot either, I am exhausted and my hubby must be ready to collapse as he left this am for a trip.

So much to surprise, there are no meds for a cold for a child according to my ped. I would have liked something to help with her cough, but no dice! Sloane's cough is keeping her awake. She is beyond sleep deprived right now. They did suggest Benadryl for the post nasal drip portion of it and to help her sleep. I would like to tell you that I gave it to her, but the truth is I didnt. I tried, but Sloane was a raving lunatic and I simply couldnt get her to swallow it even with the syringe. Ill say it again: giving meds to a child borders on child abuse. I actually cant believe what happens to get my child to take meds. Tonight though, a med, a sick child, and a tired mom all didnt jive.

On a brighter note, Dr. Rahbar's office was completely understanding about my 2:30am email cancelation. LOL. They rescheduled Sloane for May 28th. By the look of things around here today, we may not have our groove back until then.


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