Wednesday, February 27, 2013

There is a Wheeze in Our House

Sloane sounds like Darth Vader. I don't know if I should be concerned, overly concerned or red alert concerned. It isn't all the time, but it is more frequent when she is active....which in Sloane's case is ALWAYS!

This morning there was a concert. Sloane in her castle pjs and me in my workout clothes (not a pretty site) jamming on the drums and guitar in my bedroom and there was a wheeze. Tonight there was game of chase with Sloane, her nonni and her daddy and trailing behind her was a wheeze. There is a wheeze in my house.

This dam wheeze and loud mouth breathing has been a topic on the table between Dr. Rahbar and me. He isn't overly concerned so I try not to be BUT "I can't help but wonder" (thanks for the line Carrie, from Sex & the City.....watched a re-run is the wheeze a bit of foreshadowing for impending pneumonia???

Now, others pick up on the wheeze. You know its bad when your contractor, who spends a few hours with your child, tells you that your daughter has a wheeze.  My uncle, who apparently is well versed in wheezing, mentions the wheeze to me when he hears it. On this Friday coming, Sloane and he will share a cookie and probably getting into some kind of mischievousness during lunch, but none of that will concern me as much as if he says he hears the wheeze. You see he doesn't hear the wheeze when Sloane is on fire; he hears the wheeze when she is at rest. And that my friends, is NOT GOOD in laryngeal cleft world.

There is a wheeze in my house and I would like it to leave.........

Keren, Thank you for your comment. I am so happy that your son's repair went well. As for the reflux, it gets better that I promise.  And the feeding tube, I understand. I have blogged about it many times. It was very hard for everyone to understand its place in our LC world especially after cleft repair. Sloane did not have her tube removed until 15 months after her repair. It hasnt been a year yet. The goal was for Sloane to hydrate herself enough this cold & flu season to be able to say bye bye button for a long time. It was a bit touchy during her last pneumonia over New Years, but she did it.
Honestly, Keren, unless you have walked the walk (which I have....I have walked your walk)....its hard to comprehend the jedi mind trick of the feeding tube. It is such an important part of our world. Thank you for getting back in touch with me. You, too, have helped me not feel alone. I hope Sloane's journey is helping you to know that it never goes away, but it gets more manageable and almost acceptable on a VERY, VERY good day.

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