Monday, September 17, 2012

Connecting the Dots

Today there was the 4 oz of flavored water during the morning, then there was the 6 oz of juice at lunch, and then there was the 6 oz of flavored water this afternoon topped off with 2 more oz. at dinner. Some days, you just know what you are going to get!

What made today extra super duper is that Sloane asked for a drink!!!  Now, I am sure that doesn't seem that special but in our world it is. Laryngeal Cleft kids have to learn to make drinking part of their normal life which is a very long process. It starts with getting the child to like drinking, then to pushing them to increasing the volume, onto helping them to make the connection between being thirsty and quenching that thirst with a drink, and lastly getting your child to request a drink because drinking has become part of their daily routine. All of this happens while the liquid is slowly thinned out. It is a process......a process that is slow and steady. There are lots of dots to connect.

Just like the post: Sip, Wait, & See 2/29, there are days when something happens that makes all the Sipping, Waiting and Seeing worth all the wondering time. Today was one of those days. Sloane said, "momma, I want juice." It took me a second or 2 understand or rather process what she said. Basically, for me, that was like hearing my 2 year old recite the pledge of allegiance. To have Sloane ask for a drink is quite an accomplishment in our home. There were times when we would jump thru hoops just to get her to take one sip and usually that sip was encouraged strongly. Sloane wanted a drink yesterday and she proceeded to drink it of her own will. 


 Dr. Rahbar's office asked me today to write a rough draft about Sloane's journey for them this week. Amy asked me to include a timeline of events. I have started to give my approach some thought with the voices in my head. So much has happened in the past 26 months. The question becomes how to tell the story.  It seems I, too, like my daughter will need to connect the dots. 

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