Monday, March 3, 2014

No Laundry For You

I have heard of it before. The husband who restricts his wife's use of a credit card or her social activities. I am not a victim of this....yet!! But I have been restricted and this restriction is one that has affected my every day for the past week. 

My name is Tarra and I am a laundry addict!! My husband has restricted my use of the washing machine and dryer. It is painful. I love doing laundry and I am happiest when our laundry baskets are empty. Unbeknown to me, my hubby has been tracking my usage of these 2 prize machines by way of our our utility bills. He stated the black and white facts to me last week and grounded me to one load of laundry a day. 

Now to some, this may sound like a dream...but to me it is like the clean freak without a vaccuum or the video gamer without a controller. I am having trouble with the withdrawal phase. For the past few days, I have had to talk myself out of sneaking an extra load in. I like to do a white load, colored load and speciality load daily. We have running joke here that my hubby wears the same pair of underwear each day because they are washed and dried before they hit the floor! Lol! Not exactly accurate but I'm pretty sure all occupants in this house only need 3 pair of undergarments based on my old habits. 

I have no idea where this addiction came from...or how it grew to be the beast that it is but I am sure it is diagnostic on a few levels.....hahaha

Tomorrow should be easier than the past few days as we won't be here so I won't have to pull myself away from our laundry room. We are heading up to see Dr. Rahbar tomorrow for a check in! Tomorrow marks the 2 month countdown until Sloane's second cleft surgery. I have the snacks packed, the DVDs out (going to Children's is the only time we use the DVD player in the it's a treat for all of us) and I am getting mentally prepared for the day. My hubby is getting paper and penciled prepared with all his questions for the myth, the man, the legend. More to come on that! 

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