Thursday, November 22, 2012

Off With A Sprint

Thanksgiving is a day that reminds us why we are thankful. Each year, we do the tradition of sharing our lists with our family either out loud or paper. My hubby and I are 2 people who say why we consider ourselves blessed almost everyday. Our experience of having our daughter be born unhealthy and all that has come with having a child with a birth defect has changed us both. We are very thankful.

Today was no different than past years. Our family wrote down why they were thankful. My statement this year was quite simple. "I am thankful because all of those I love are healthy." When I was younger, my father would always say to people "as long as you have your health, you have everything." It was corny, but as I have gotten older, I hold that statement very dear to my heart. My hubby and I have been surrounded by illness & loss these past few weeks so my dad's ever so simple words ring in my ears.

Now, I consider Sloane healthy and thru my eyes she is beyond every one of my dreams. Today though, we were reminiscing back to the time when Sloane was not healthy. A time when her laryngeal cleft diagnosis was devastating. A dear family member was telling the one memory from Sloane's journey that is ingrained in him. I wasn't expecting which memory he would pick, but once he said it......It made perfect sense. He told of the night that we took Sloane home from the NICU. He told his version of that night and the look of panic combined with a deer in headlights when he and nonni told me they were leaving our house/leaving my hubby and I alone with our daughter. The look on my face, he said, is one he will never forget. When I think of that night, I know why. It was the beginning of motherhood. Motherhood of a child with a special medical need for me. (I have already posted my recollection of that night in the 8/31/12 post entitled: Memory Lane 9/11/2010). After he told his story, we chatted for a minute about how far we have come or rather I have come. LOL

My hubby and I didnt chat more about it on the ride home probably because Sloane was singing Taylor Swift's Never Ever song nonstop. No Joke!! But once we got home and tubby had been completed, something happened that made it useless to talk about that first night home.

Sloane drank very little today and I mean very little. She had lots of watery foods and tons of ice cubes, but her cup never hit her lips. I think she may have finished a 1/2 of milk box this morning. Her camel type behavior today wasn't lost on me. I knew it, as did her father. So once all was calm and quiet on the home front, I heard my hubby say "let's have mommy get you some water."

I stopped in my tracks because I know my hubby doesnt mean a cap full of water or a sip from my glass. He means Sloane's straw cup full of water. And I think .....Water?!?!?!What?!?!?WTF?!?!

Let me remind you.... 

  • Today is the day on the schedule that we were suppose to DISCONTINUE use of Simply Thick.
  • Today is the day that we were suppose to start TRYING to give Sloane liquids in their natural form. 
  • Today is the day that we were suppose to give her anything BUT water in its natural form. Water was on hold for a few weeks because its tasteless and has no viscosity therefore the hardest liquid to drink. 

I look at him and he looks at me with his ever so calming look and says "Let's give it a try." Off to the nonexistent kitchen or rather plastic bin of dishes I go to grab a cup and fill it with 3 oz of plain old cold tap water. I hand it over to Sloane and do what I do best. I hover. As a matter of fact, I place my hand on the back of her neck and tilt my head towards her back to listen and feel as she drinks. My hubby laughs his ass off and says "helicopter!!" If my nickname of the day isnt helicopter...its Oprah!! I could careless by the way!!! I'll hover & publish all I want!!

Well, Sloane slowly drank all 3 ounces with a "I like it" in between sips and some shaking of her cup. She clearly was quite content having plain old unthickened and unflavored water in her cup. It probably was a dream come true for her. She has been trying to drink water in full sips rather than 3ml cap fulls for 2 years. LOL!!! She finished the first 3 ounces while I read her bedtime stories and then asked for more.

And here's the most amazing part: not a gurgle, not a cough, not a choke, not a sound. I will begin to assume that we (mom&dad) can safely give her water from now on. I was a deer in headlights as a hovered for a much different reason than on that first night home. Sloane was drinking like she was college freshman and there was beer involved!! I was a doe in awe. And when she finished drinking, my hubby grabbed the cup and said "in true Sloane fashion, she is off with a sprint!"

scream it from the rooftops if you may please:

After watching this happen, I do wish I could have a do-over on my Why Am I Thankful card this year. I would have written:
I am thankful that everyone I love is healthy and that after almost 850 days of life, my daughter can drink plain old water independently. 

(mammie add that to my card if you would please.............)

1 comment:

  1. I love that you shared this !!!! Yeah and a special congratulations !! A huge milestone has been reached, I'm so happy for you guys and Sloane, now she can have her own Dell's;-)
