Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Trade Off

How could almost one month gone by since I've written a post?? Does that mean it has all been good news on our end? Or have we been so busy that I haven't had time to update our Laryngeal Cleft world? I would say both. I have been on the blog....checking out our stats and the current viewings. It is always nice to see how many of our readers are from over seas. Just this month, we have gained a large popularity in Singapore and Australia. Pretty impressive. It makes wonder about all the parents in the world trying to navigate their Laryngeal Cleft journey. My only help is that A Sip Of Heaven is helping them on some level. 

Sloane is doing well; creeping up on 4 years old in less than a month. She is off her inhaler and aside from an occasional wheeze here and there, I do not see any major issues. If any respiratory issues arise sooner than later, we will revisit the need for her inhaler. As for now, the plan is to keep her off of it until winter.  

One very nice thing is that her facial skin is once again on its way to looking like porcelain. I don't think I ever posted about the effects of the inhaler on her cheeks, chin and bridge of her nose. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not, but once we started using the inhaler, she broke out with a bumpy appearance in those areas. Steroid acne?? Maybe? 3 appointments with a dermatologist over the course of 6 months and 3 creams later, not much of an improvement. But one week off the inhaler and a noticeable difference. 

Now on to the most important news.......Do I dare say that I think Sloane is coughing less when drinking liquids continuously? I think so! She has the occasional cough. It's frequency is much less than it was before surgery. My thought is that her lungs are clearer, less junky, and becoming free of aspirations. Does that mean that surgery was successful....I would say so!! It is almost scary to say it. I believe it because I notice a difference, but the fear is that I could be wearing rose colored glasses when I make that statement. 

The fact is that I am the only one who can make that statement. I am the only one who watches her drink day in and day out. Of course, my hubby could interject his opinion but it is me who knows the drill. So very quietly I say it, if someone asks. In a tiny voice I say, " I think she is coughing less." I'm afraid to scream it from the rooftops in fear that I am wrong.

I trust myself to think that Sloane is coughing less because we know both stitches were intact post surgery, we know that Dr. Rahbar is a specialist like no other in our eyes, and we know the odds of Sloane needing a third surgery to close her cleft tighter were minimal. 

If there is one thing I know for sure without a is that Sloane is a nosier breather just as predicted because her airway is more narrow. The tiniest trade-off for healthy lungs! 

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