Monday, January 7, 2013


Its official! Sloane is back to her old self. We had a bopping session tonight while I was preparing dinner. She caught on some sleep these past few days which has helped her attitude. A note on giving a child meds., WTF!!! It borders on excess force when we pin Sloane down to get her to swallow her meds. The scene is ridiculous, Sloane is out of control screaming "No", "Wait a Minute", "In a little while" with her arms and legs flailing. I HOPE someday that someone finds another way to administer meds to toddlers.  While Sloane has been home bound recuperating from pneumonia, a few extra special things have happened in Sloane's world.

The first being that her binky has been completely removed from her life. After she spent a few of her high fever nights snuggled in bed with me without a bink, when she went back into her crib my hubby told her that her bink was being fixed. LOL!! She hasnt asked for it since that little white lie! We HOPE she believed us. The bink didnt have a large presence in our home, in fact it just sat in the corner of her crib for night night emergencies. Nevertheless, it is nice that the bink now sits in my sock drawer for safe keeping.

The second being that potty training has hit high gear. Sloane is diaper free while at home. With our renovation nearing its end, she has been bouncing around the house with big girl undies on. When she needs the potty, she walks into the bathroom and completes using the potty without any help. There is usually a "I need privacy" sentence lingering in the air as she shuts the bathroom door. I HOPE to push full steam ahead over the next few weeks to say goodbye to Pampers for forever!

As for Sloane's pneumonia, we did get the answers that we were looking for. It is not common for LC children to get pneumonia after a cleft repair. It does happen on occasion. So we can assume and HOPE that Sloane's bout with pneumonia is an isolated case. If she continues to have frequent respiratory illnesses, Dr. Rahbar will complete an endoscopy of her airway to access the condition of her repair in regards to another surgery.

Once she has finished her medicine and has had a few more days to rest, we will resume thin liquids and HOPE for the best. I am sure I will be a bit more structured with Sloane's drinking this time around. I would like to have a bit more control over it as we move forward. My HOPE would be to have some kind of super powers and to be able to stop the aspirations before they become pneumonia again.

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