Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thank You Kacie from Texas

The straw that broke the camel's back! Isn't that the saying??? In the world of this blog....the straw was a comment from a mom in Dallas yesterday that I received earlier this week. She has a 15 month old who may have an LC. Her comment was the straw that broke this mom's writer's block! 

Now, a few different people have asked me over the past few months why I hadn't blogged lately. I had no good reason. I truly hadn't realized.... 5 months had passed by. It unclear where to begin. I can simply say life is good, really good. Sloane is 4 1/2 and in full day Pre-K loving life. I can remember wondering day in and day out when Sloane was an infant what life would be like at school time. Our life has far surpassed my ideas.

As for Sloane, she has no clue about her journey. She recalls small bits with questions like why did I have to sleep over at the hospital? What did Dr. Rahbar fix in my throat, can I see it? I am sure as I sternly say: take small sips, slow down, not too fast....Sloane gets the idea. 

We did see Dr. Rahbar in November for a check in. Can you imagine I didn't even blog about that?? It was uneventful. Actually, I think the fabulous doctor was surprised to see us. We were just checking in 6 months post-op. No concerns. We left that visit with a "I'll see you next year unless you have a concern." 

I don't have a concern aside from the occasional thought of should we try the inhaler for the winter?? Sloane does have the wheeze at times and I have thought about that inhaler but it's not enough to push me yet. I am on it....listening to it when we were outside laying low, at ski lessons, or twirling around on the ice rink. I wait for it to come and then judge how long it lasts. Not long enough for me to make the plunge yet. 

After I listen for the wheeze, I tune into the junky wet cough I hear every once in awhile. It's been happening for a month or so. That doesn't sound good, I'm sure but the cough has turned into nothing else.....thank god! So I have let it ride because my ped was away on an extended vaca and I didn't want to see anyone else because Sloane and her lungs are in an intimate relationship with her so I thought...just wait until she comes back.  That'll be next week! 

Life now has less to do with Sloane's cleft and more to do with being a mom of a precocious and spirited 4 1/2 year old! A huge thank you to Kacie for sparking me to recall where we came from and the importance of this blog to those who are just starting their journeys. 

I haven't forgotten the beginning of our journey, I have just tucked it away while I was enjoying this life of not ending under a medical umbrella.

Kacie, I'll email you back later tonight when all is calm and quiet! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I am another mom who is extremely grateful for this blog. My daughter was born six months ago with a long type 2 laryngeal cleft. She also was diagnosed early and has no genetic or developmental issues. Your blog has been one of the only sources of useful information I have been able to find. Your story gives me hope and has also helped prepare me for what may be ahead. We are living in Europe at the moment, but will be seeking treatment from Dr Rahbar. I would love to get in touch via email if you would be interested. Your little girl sounds like a real joy and I am glad she is doing so well. Thank you again!
