Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whatever It Is

This morning while I was making the bed and watching the Today Show, they had a story on a 3 year old girl who was born with a rare condition that requires her to be on o2 constantly. The story featured her and her service dog who carries the oxygen tanks for her. It was an incredible story.
I cried and cried as I watched it. I felt the story. I felt for this child. I felt for these parents. This little girl was beyond adorable and so happy. The story made me think about our journey and just how fortunate we are with our healthy child.

It also made me reflect on Sloane and her spirit. As I have posted before, Sloane is a very assertive and determined child. Early on in the NICU when I would question her personality, our primary nurse would remind me that neither I, nor my hubby are passive individuals so why would  think our child would be. Sloane is the child who puts up a fight if another child takes something from her that she was playing with. She doesn't easily walk away and move on to a new toy. She is child that already has a bit of terrible two in her; pitching a fit if she wants to do something. Sloane is the child who knows what she wants when she wants it. I KNOW these qualities are ones that will need parental guidance along the way to help turn them into life-long positives. In the meantime, sharing may be challenging for her...LOL

Sloane's spirit is the reason why she has plowed through all the medical experiences she has had over the past 20 months. She is fighter. She is the child who pulled out her NG tube many a time at only days old to let us know, it wasn't exactly her style. Ha! Sloane is active. She is the child that in the future will finish one activity and ask "what's next?" She is the child that stands at the garage door to let me know that we have been home long enough and that she would like a ride. My hubby was home today and he remarked "Sloane, you are demanding during the day!" It is true. He usually sees her for a short time a night when all the chores are done and it is playtime. Call it what you want: spirited, energetic, determined, active, feisty, assertive, spunky, enthusiastic, bubbly....whatever it is........

we are thankful for all of those qualities!!! I am not sure if Sloane wasn't as alert as she is if she would have blossomed as she has in spite of challenges. Children, like Sloane, who have had fight along their short journey need those qualities to plow through, to keep smiling, to meet their milestones, to show everyone around them that they have a say, to become a child not just someone's patient, and to teach their parents that their bold spirit is a gift!!!

1 comment:

  1. Really well said, you are so right...children are our teachers.
