A friend and I were talking discipline today. When to say NO! and when to distract and keep the party moving. The subject came up about her 2 1/2 niece and how she won't sit down to eat (my friend's rule was to sit at the table with all food). She told her sister that her niece shouldn't have to sit for 30 mins to eat but should be sitting for 5 to 10. This made me think??? My poor child!! NO wonder why she is kicking me nowadays during at least one feed when I try to plug her in. Sloane has to sit in the highchair for 35 mins at the least 3X a day for her tube feeds. I think in toddler world that is an eternity. Actually in my world, there aren't many things I like to be still for 35 mins either. In my former fabulous self (post:The Other Girl), I had been known to cut a pedi short because I didn't want to sit that long. These days, a day long pedi would be eagerly accepted!!!! I would let someone take 35 minutes on each individual toe!
The feeding tube does have its positives! I don't want to be all doom and gloom about it. The medical equipment in our house right now could be much more serious and involved. We know that. As for the feeding tube, I never have to worry about Sloane getting dehydrated when she is sick. She can not refuse liquids since we tube them into her. In light of today's chat with my friend, Sloane is obviously learning good table manners because she has been on a strict sitting and eating schedule since birth. Sloane doesn't get to spit out the yucky medicine leaving me to wonder if any got swallowed because they too get pushed thru the tube. Lastly, since I have been known to eat some questionable things in support of good health, I have the ability to push anti-fun foods in liquid form into Sloane without her knowing. Some Jamba Juice wheat grass shots are to come! Just kidding!!! I did ask the ped if I could put Emergen-C in Sloane's water tube. To which she calmly asked why? I explained that I have faith in it building immune systems. She chuckled and told me I could, but stated she didn't think it is going to build her immune system. My thought is...we will see about that!! The tube has also taught us not to take anything for granted. We and our circle of trust have learned that a healthy child is the greatest gift you can be given.
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