Sunday, March 18, 2012

Drippy Cup, Not Sippy Cup

My friend, the one who encouraged me to start blogging months ago, that friend is having a bambino!!! We are so excited for Sloane to have another play mate. She and her hubby came over today to visit us. I handed off my bin of maternity clothes to her. I won't be needing them anytime soon we think??? I love giving things to my friends that I am not using or don't need. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that my basement is close to looking like an episode of the show Hoarders!  On Friday, I gave my pre-baby sundresses to a friend who is going on a sexy vacation. So in 72 hours:
1. I lent out dresses I hope to fit in again this summer (i thought it would have been last summer, but the stress of having a baby with a health issue has caused some of the lbs. to hang around a bit longer than I wished for, i am literally trying to work my ass off to get back into them) Ha! 
2. I lent out maternity clothes that if I need again will make it hard to fit back into #1 again. 
It could turn into a vicious cycle!!!  

While our friends were here, Sloane was wandering around, sipping on the JU like a big shot!! In the midst of playing, she dropped her sippy cup and oh dear! some JU dripped on our living room rug. For me, not a jump up and hustle into the kitchen situation. Now, yes, the JU is a pinky color and the rug is tan but the drips were small. This rug, that I loathe, is getting ripped up soon as we are doing some major remodeling to our house this summer. I know, I know...some of you are thinking...have you lost your minds??? In a way, I guess we have!!! I wasn't overly concerned about saving the rug. My hubby was up and in the kitchen in a split second coming back armored with wet and dry paper towels. He wipes up the mess and puts Sloane's JU on her table. She proceeds to grab it and drop it 2 more times causing the same scene. I am chatting away with our friends, playing is dancing to The Fresh Beats and my hubby in a fast pace heads to the kitchen for cleaning props. All of Sloane's dropping makes me think the JU is making her tipsy!! lol 

Once, the sip, drop, clean-up, is over. My hubby wants to know why a cup would be advertised as spill -proof when it isnt?? Good Question I think. And I think back and do remember that on a few occasions, Sloane's shirt had drips of the JU on it too. So to the OXO TOT company, I say watch hubby may be after you for false advertising!! hahaha

If anyone out there is counting, we are on day 10 of no tube feed plug in for snack time. Sloane has drank 2 oz. of V8 fusion mixed with 2 oz. of water shaken hard with honey consitency Simply Thick out of a sippy cup for 10 days!
AMAZING!!! It is completely dreamy!! This is the longest consistently that Sloane has drank by mouth. Usually in her situation, it is aspiration from drinking consistently that causes pneumonia. As of this minute, Sloane respiratory system does not seem hindered at all :) which COULD mean that she is in fact drinking the honey consistency safely. 

For the 1st time ever, I am going to be bringing a sippy cup to our appt. with Dr. Rahbar next month and I am going to let Sloane dazzle him with her JU!! I always ask Dr. Rahbar "will she ever drink?" and he always says "yes, mom, she will. and soon after she starts, you will be telling her not to drink." 

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