Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Paper To Prove It

Let me first say that today went well.  Sloane's swallow study went as best as could be expected. She did not aspirate any of the 5-6 sips she swallowed, but she did not take any large sips or drink continuously. Basically, Sloane saw the white chalky barium in her water and apple juice and then on her watermelon and simply refused to eat or drink. The barium approach is not ideal at all if you ask me! All of my assumptions that Sloane would preform because she was older and follows directions better....did exactly what the old adage says...made an ass out of you and me!! Sloane must of missed that window of opportunity because what we got today was...I want the real water, that's not big bird apple juice, yucky!!!

Nevertheless, Sloane passed her swallow study and I have the paper to prove it.

We waited well over an hour for Dr. Rahbar, but that is not very unusual. The timing was a bit difficult though as we rounded the corner to naptime. Sloane was a bit out of sorts...falling over her own feet, singing songs loudly, and twirling around. Think tipsy adult on the dance floor!

Dr. Rahbar in his own words said we could not have asked for better results on the swallow study. I would have agreed if Sloane had drank more and faster. We chatted, as we always do, about our parental concerns. Dr. Rahbar is firm believer that we as parents have the most valuable information. My hubby and I were both clear that we feel as though Sloane is aspirating on large gulps and consecutive swallows neither or which we saw today during the study. We also discussed my other concerns of the wheeze and out of breath issues when Sloane is overly active.

Dr. Rahbar stated that he would like to take another look/scope in Sloane's airway based on our discussion. We could do it soon OR wait thru the summer and revisit that approach in September. We chose waiting until September. There is a catch though......if Sloane gets croup or pneumonia before the September approach then we need to schedule the scope at that time. There is no reason to wait until September at that point, he will want to get in her airway sooner than later. We were comfortable with this course of action.

Today went well medically. Tomorrow I am going to blog on the emotional reality that comes along with a trip to Children's. A higher power paid a visit today.......

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