Sloane is now one of those kids I used to look at in public places and wonder why their mothers didnt keep them home as they cough so deeply and loudly it hurts. She is that kid. Her runny nose is starting to dry up, but the occasional junky cough is still there. Of course, I couldnt wait to talk to our actual ped to discuss last week's events as I assumed she would be back from vacation. Dr. Reibman assured me that the wet, junky cough can linger after croup for up to 10 days. All news to me as Sloane has never gotten the wet cough after the croup. In the past, we have gotten very lucky.
I still have my cough. And I am pretty sure that Sloane's "puppy germs" as my hubby calls them did in fact make him sick. The house needs to be aired out and we need to all get back to baseline again and start over. lol
Sloane is grumpy. Grumpy, at times, like you want to cry with her because nothing makes me happy and she lets you know it. Its been a battle for a few days. She wants to do nothing but lay around and be lazy. Which is fine, except ordinarily we dont do that so its an adjustment on my end. The few times we have taken her out to get her sillies out, she ends up in a coughing fit that takes minutes to end. I feel so badly. If this continues through the end of the week, Ill be calling Dr. Reibman again.
I often wonder if Sloane is going to be the child with asthma. This thought has been a topic of discussion over the past year and half with her doctors because she gets so winded so quickly. I have been told by them that the term "sports asthma" is not used anymore. It is simply does asthma or no asthma.
The girls are alone for a few days. Footloose and Fancy Free. NOT!! You see, we had grass put in over the weekend. The backyard is phase 2 of the renovation. Now, let me say I do not have a green thumb in any way. I have never been interested, nor will I ever be. It is not my thing. I feel as though at 40 I can make these statements. If im not into something that is present in my life now, its highly unlikely I will be in the future. And the new soon to be grass confirms it!! No, green thumb!!! I am worried about the grass because I want it to grow so I am being diligent BUT.....
Watering this grass is like a 2nd job. I am out there moving sprinklers, detaching hoses, attaching nozzles, and hosing areas all day. It is a big pain if you ask me!! My hubby did want to put in sprinklers, but I talked him out of it as we have no idea if we will be staying in this house long term so sprinklers weren't a top priority on my list. This may have been an error on my part. LOL
Right about now, as I am about to put on my rain boots and head out to tackle another area, I wish we had sprinklers. I am very thankful that it is going to rain tomorrow!!
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