Monday, May 27, 2013

Rainbow Dreams

Tomorrow is it! The 4 of us (sloane, me, mammie and Taylor Swift) are heading up to Children's for our swallow study and follow up with Dr. Rahbar. A month later than expected, but it is all good. Sloane is better. She has one drippy nostril and the occasional wet cough, but nothing too dramatic to make me think about changing tomorrows appointment. Although, I'll never say never since last month, I canceled at 3am the night before. 
My hubby is meeting us at Childrens. That's when you know it's a an important appointment when the Big Dog comes. Somebody has to work around here. LOL Mammie and I go to all appointments and they are all significant, but a swallow study ups the ante. I am excited and anxious to see Sloane swallow tomorrow and to watch the path the liquid takes real time on the x-ray screens.

We had dinner with a friend on Saturday night and I very boastfully was telling her how I am prepared for tomorrow's appointment. I looked her in the eye and stated the facts: we have traveled this journey for almost 3 years and there are no more surprises to come in our laryngeal cleft world. I felt good saying it. The Big Dog agreed and then said "Tuesday is a big day. Either Dr. Rahbar is going to discharge Sloane or schedule her for a 2nd surgery. There is not going to be any gray area." You have to know Sloane's daddy...its black or white, there are no rainbow dreams in his world. And then I looked my friend in the face and said "I am not at all prepared for that." I had not given that much thought at all. Rainbow Dreams...folks...I love them!!

I know Sloane is aspirating. I assume that those aspirations are not affecting her to negatively because she has not had pneumonia since December. The swallow study tomorrow will clarify any of my assumptions.

We see Dr. Rahbar tomorrow right after the swallow study. Its results will shape the content of our appointment and the mood. I do have a list of topics other than Sloane's laryngeal cleft to talk to Dr. Rahbar about: Sloane's pneumonia this winter, the ever so present wheeze, our croup stint, and Sloane's new inhaler.  They will either be the focus of our conversation or take a back seat to when, why and how's of a 2nd cleft repair surgery.

I told Sloane that we are heading up to Children's tomorrow to see Kara, our swallowing therapist, and Dr. Rahbar. Her response was the standard "I don't want to." I can only hope that the constant ringing of Taylor Swift's voice will get us there peacefully.

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