There are a lot of things your "mommy" friends dont share with you about motherhood. Many of them are on a need to know basis, but there is one I am facing daily that I wish I had known. Because now that I am yip yapping about it, all of my friends are casually remembering their experiences.
I, my dedicated followers, am stuck in my very own playground hell. Sloane wants to do nothing else than go to a playground every day. The asking and then demanding begins before breakfast has occurred and continues until its dark out.
Now, I am all about outdoor play. Fresh air is good for the soul. I am the person who opens her windows every morning while dew is still on the grass. I am the girl who drives with her window cracked to hear sniff in the freshness. I will sit outside to just breath in the fresh air "feelin good' juice. But I am not the mom who wants to be at the playground every day. I feel badly saying that because Sloane is just like me. She LOVES being outside! But, I haven't figured out how to balance my stay at home mom duties with all the outdoor play. When I am in the house, I'm like a chicken with its head cut off.
Sloane is addicted. She screams when we drive by playgrounds and is in her glory when she is running around one. There was a day a few weeks ago that I stopped at 2 playgrounds during the morning for a treat! While Sloane is running around getting high on the fresh air life, I am thinking of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, phone calls, and odds and ends that need me to be in the exact opposite of where I am.....inside the house!
The scene when Sloane has to leave the playground is hysterical. I give multiple warnings, but they never matter. Sloane can become the exorcist upon exiting the playground. There is never enough time there. She would do all her business there if she, sleep, potty! Now, that the Spring weather has arrived, I am officially living in a playground hell.
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