Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's A No Go

This is what I love about modern technology! It's 3:21am and I am able to let you all know that we are not going to Children's for our swallow study in 7 hours. Sloane's temp continued thru the night and a special guest also arrived. Drumroll please........the croup wheeze!

In my expert mom opinion, I would say that Sloane could have croup.  We have seen it before or rather heard it before. So after our 2am dose of Motrin, we took a walk around the yard to look at the stars, called the on call triage nurse, fished out the "for emergency use" steroids dr. Reibman gave me and waited. The triage nurse didn't trust my diagnosis at first so we did a quick stint in our steam room aka master bath before she called back and gave me the go ahead on the steroids.

An hour and half later, Sloane and her father are trying to get back to dreamland and I'm on the couch pretending it's 9am! I emailed our team at Children's at 2:30am to cancel our appointments today and ask for them to be rescheduled as soon as possible. Since Dr Rahbar only sees patients on Tuesdays,
It might be interesting.

Please indulge me in a laugh at how nuts it is that Sloane hasn't been sick aside from her pneumonia in December all season, but gets croup??? Or something respiratory the day before her swallow study!!!

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