Yesterday, Team Sloane walked in the March for Babies. The March of Dimes is a charity near and dear to our hearts as I have posted many times before. It was a very fun and moving day. This year, Sloane wore a Team Sloane tee-shirt, walked a small amount of the walk rather than riding in her stroller, and finished the walk on her feet. As she walked up the hill, we all (we had a team of 15 walkers) concurred that seeing her walk through the finish line was quite an accomplishment. We have come so far in our laryngeal cleft journey.
On Tuesday, we will have a swallow study and see Dr. Rahbar. Our house was buzzing about it tonight and then something brought the buzz to a quiet hum. I said out loud what I had been thinking all day. "Sloane feels warm." My hubby agreed and then said what I had been thinking all day. He thought she felt warm all day. And then we confirmed that Sloane has a temperature. For Sloane, to be sick this week is not ideal considering what Tuesday is. But, I cant remember exactly and dont have the energy to go back and find the post....but didnt this happen before. Sloane got sick the week of a Dr. Rahbar appointment????
What is making me even more sick than the thought that Sloane could be getting sick is that I have been sick. Me, the momma, for the 1st time in 4 years had some kind of nasty something since Thursday. I still havent figured out what it is other than a gross, chunky, cough and runny nose. No other symptoms. At first, I thought respiratory infection, then I thought allergies, then I thought cold, and now I think who knows. I fought it with over the counter stuff for now and feel better. But folks, the prospect that I have maybe made Sloane sick makes me feel like shit.
Now, could it be a spring virus that she picked up anywhere...maybe at the preschool we visited on Thursday?? Yes. Now, could it be something she picked up from me the momma??? Yes. Now, could it be the big P which is really a silent N??? Yes.
I am anxiously awaiting tonight's activities. Sloane slept terrible last night which was the first indication to my hubby that we may have an issue. I was assigned to the couch to cough my way thru the night without making anyone else sick so I missed all the action over last night. I heard early this am that it wasnt a stellar night at all.
I gave Sloane some Motrin tonight and Im hoping she will sleep. I, on the other hand, will continue to rationalize with myself that tomorrow is Monday so Dr. Reibman is in if we need to see her and if we have to reschedule the swallow study it is ok and that the preschool must of had a virus floating around because I could never make my child, that is germ protected by way of hand washing, sick.
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