Shortly after I blogged Tuesday night, I think someone mommy "roofied" me!! I have no idea what happened. Sloane was perfectly fine after her vomiting episode! She ate dinner, slept thru the night without a fever or an issue, ate breakfast on Wednesday am and off to school she went. Not a sign of illness to be had....a freaky vomiting episode!?! Very odd!
Sloane was fine, but I think I was roofied!! When I went to bed Tuesday night, my stomach was off. I couldn't decide if I, too, was going to throw up or shit myself. I did not sleep all night much. Lots of tossing and turning! We were up at 4am because my hubby had a trip. I never really went back to sleep between my stomach and my restlessness. When Sloane woke up, I couldn't move. Literally, I couldn't move. My muscles were in shock (I had worked out with a trainer the day before) and I was so fatigued that I wanted to cry! I drove Sloane to school at 9 and was back in bed by 9:30 sleeping until 11:00am.
Never in my life have I ever done this! And I still couldn't move. My hubby called once he arrived at his destination and I tried to pretend that I had my shit to the shower I went to try to feel better! It worked for a bit. I had a coffee date with a friend scheduled that I had no intention of missing. It was top priority so I geared up. I am sure if she was a different person, when I answered the door in my robe newly showered at 11:45, she would've thought I had lost it but this is one of those friends you can be raw in front of with no worries. I told her my roofie saga and after I made myself presentable off we went slowly. We picked up Sloane from school and hit Panera for a snack. I was holding it together but was dreaming of hitting the sheets later for another nap. The minute Sloane was in dreamland, I curled up on the couch and literally passed out until Sloane woke me up 2 hours later. I was now concerned and perplexed about what was happening to me. Lethargic isn't the word for it....I was in a freaking fog!! And my niece was coming over for our sleepover in one hour!!!!
When Stella and her momma arrived, I didn't have to say much. I am pretty sure my appearance cleared up a y questions my sister in law may have had. A bus had run me over and left me in a daze! I didn't move, I didn't eat and I just about engaged with my company for the next 4 hours. I was back in bed by 9:30pm leaving my sister in law alone on our couch watching Walburgers re-runs until God knows what time!!! The girls fell asleep together in Sloane's bed (fabulous) and slept thru the night after Ani joined them when Stella called out for her momma around 3am. I heard none of it and didn't move until 7am. If you have seen the movie Frozen (we have seen it 50 times as Sloane is obsessed), I looked like Ana on Coronation Day!! A drooling, tousled mess!!
I won't bore you with the details again, but Thursday looked pretty much like Wednesday. Sloane and I never left the house after cuzzy and Ani went home and even after my 5pm shower, I looked liked I hadn't slept in days. My saving grace was that nonni took Sloane for some playtime. I could've went to bed the moment Sloane left but the fact was that I had just gotten out of bed 2 hours earlier.....I slept Sloane's nap away and Sloane would be back within an hour. And when Sloane woke up from her nap on Thursday and found me in bed.....she actually said momma, I am tired of being on your bed! It was not a good scene at 1029 (our nickname for our house).
When it was time for me to get Sloane from noni's playground oops...I mean house, the short around the corner walk felt like a mile long jog. I was spent! And I proceeded to sprawl myself across her kitchen table while chatting. Shu (my mil's SO) said....."cup, you don't look like your awake self today." That was certainly a sweet understatement. I wasn't awake at all! I had been mommy roofied and after 36 hours of it....I was getting concerned....who was this person I had become????
Sloane and I headed home with thoughts of only 2 more hours til sleep dancing in my head!! I was on 2 days of no real food although I force fed myself a rice cake with PB in the afternoon which started to repeat itself throughout the afternoon. When I say I was down and out people, I was down and out. My body had shut down. I couldn't bear the thought of putting something in and very little was coming out. Lol!!!
I hit the sheets at 9pm which is like a sin on a Thursday night because I am a "gladiator"....we love the show Scandal in this house. Love, Love, Love!! So the fact that I was going to miss it was almost unbelievable! I took 2 motrin, topped it off with an aleve and closed my eyes with a huge headache begging to feel more like myself in the morning. And it happened. I woke up Friday am feeling more like me. A definite improvement!! Thank the heavens.
As I moved around the house and looked around...I gasped internally. It was not at all as tighty as it normally is! I was embarrassed that my sister in law had seen all that she had. I was so foggy that I hadn't noticed what was happening around me for 2 days! It didn't look like an episode of Hoarders, but it certainly would not have been featured on any segment of HGTV!
I spent Friday getting to know my old self. I was awake and feeling more like me. There was even a trip to the gym! I ate, I drank, I walked and I talked. I was back!! The mommy roofie had worn off. I had lost 2 full days, slept more than I do in a 5 day stretch and had seen the world thru a foggy haze....not fun!!!!
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