Sloane has been saying some very funny things lately. Burst out laughing funny. I should be writing them down in some kind of memory book, but I'm not. Slacker mom! I think this blog serves as a memory book....right?!?
Some days, I can't believe what rolls out of her mouth. Some statements are funny, sweet, thoughtful, or crass! Most of them are memory book worthy!
On Friday, Sloane's teachers told me that she had cut the art teacher's hair while playing hairdresser. When Sloane and I discussed the incident (we play hairdresser ALL the time with fake scissors....not sure why she had real ones...but whatever??) Sloane asked me why Auntie Bec (our hairdresser) is the only one who gets to cut hair. It's not fair, momma!
Yesterday, Sloane looked me dead in the eyes and asked: why are you so happy today??? I burst out laughing. She said it with such teenage attitude and I did have a very sarcastic smile on my face. She read right thru me!
The fact that she told me she couldn't finish her breakfast yesterday because "Momma, I can't. Strawberries and chocolate milk don't go together. Try it. You wont like it. It takes disgusting."
Last night, when she kissed me good night she looked at me with the biggest eyes and in the softest voice asked me if I could just drop her off at ti-ti's tomorrow, telling me she changed her mind, she wasn't going to school. What???? As if she has the choice???
I have laughed a lot in the last few days and I have smiled a smile that is engraved on my heart. My hubby came to bed Sunday night after putting Sloane to sleep. Prayers are part of our routine and Sloane likes to bless people in her life as well as say hello to Grandma Jackie (my mom).
When he came to bed he asked me first if I thought it was normal that Sloane can say the whole Our Father prayer by herself. No, of course I do not think that is the norm at 3 1/2, but the truth be told Sloane does a lot of things that I do not find the norm. Preschoolers are all new to me. 4th grade is my wheel-house. What he told me next melted my heart.....Sloane asked him if Grandma Jackie could stop being an angel and become a person again because that would be fun. My hubby wasn't done with the words before I had a tear in my eye and the smile hit my heart. He told her exactly what I would have...No, Grandma Jackie can't. She is an angel. Once you are angel, you stay an angel.
Now with all those sweet stories, there are also some that make you say.....Shhhhh, Sloane , no, no, no....we don't say that. A perfect example is that my father (poppie) is the biggest buster and my hubby does not trail a minute behind. They enjoy openly teasing each other. With that being said, Sloane says in the car this morning on the way to school. "Poppie is a punk! Daddy said poppie is a punk. Let's call poppie the punk." Hysterical is not a close enough word to describe my reaction. Now, that is one for the books!!!
I have been working on this post all day secretly knowing that Sloane is having a movie date and sleep over tomorrow night. My go-to mommy's 3 kiddos are coming over to watch Frozen with Sloane and my niece, Stella, who is sleeping over. Sloane knows none of this...Not telling her because you never know, something could happen, don't want her to be disappointed. Those are the phrases I used today with everyone I told about our movie date/sleep over night. Well, in the past 2 hours.....Sloane has thrown up all over my mother in laws and my godson has developed white bumps on his throat! Which is why I told Sloane none of the surprise. We can assume Harrison has strep. I can assume nothing about Sloane. She is acting completely normal and has no fever. I will not dare to type what I am thinking. This is to be continued......
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