Monday, September 2, 2013

Spread Your WIngs

Tomorrow is Sloane's first day at preschool! We are very excited here! I will say that I am a bit in shock that Sloane is old enough to go to preschool. The changes and growth that have happened in the last year is almost unbelievable.

We had Open House last week got to get our feet wet a bit with the idea of school. It was went off without a hitch, although I will honestly say that Sloane was bossy while she was there!! I know that the teachers are equip to tweak that some , but it still concerned me. It didn't help that poppie told her today to be sure that she lets the teachers know that... she is in charge!!! I screamed Dad!! across the room at him but it was too late Sloane was sing songing...I'm in charge all over the living room within 10 seconds. Tonight before bed I reminded her that the teacher is in charge in hopes that I would erase her grandfather's advice! LOL

I had written all over the in-take forms that Sloane had a laryngeal cleft and described it in all the lay-man terms I could so it seemed perfectly acceptable to ask the director if all Sloane's teachers had read about her LC on the forms. She said they hadn't yet but would be over the weekend. Not what I was hoping for...I wished they had read them, researched a LC and well versed themselves in what aspiration looks like.... :) Tomorrow i'll be happy to ask to give the 2 of them a quiz!! Just joking.

This is a nuts statement, but here it goes.....I am kind of worried about packing Sloane's lunch tomorrow. This, for some reason, is a bigger deal to me than sending her to school. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that I have controlled all of Sloane's eating habits for 3 years and do not want to relinquish that!! I am not even sure what you put in the lunch bag.....

In my world, I have been stuck in syllabus hell for over a week now. I can not believe how hard it is to write one! In the elementary land, we write daily lesson plans and objectives. Never once can I recalling laying out an entire semester on paper. I made some excellent progress and thought it looked good until my hubby killed the dream and had me tweak it so it was more professional!! Apparently, my font choice was more 4th grade-ish than college like.

I teach my first class as a professor....LMAO....on Wednesday. It should be interesting!! While Sloane heads to preschool tomorrow, I am heading to the college to get a lay of the land. I used to make fun of older people who would do a trail run of a drive to a new location or acquaint themselves with a building before a meeting. Well, it seems, I am an older person. I am walking the halls tomorrow to find my classroom for Wednesday morning. I want to be prepared!!!

Now, I know you are all wondering if I am going to cry tomorrow when I drop Sloane off at her first day of preschool. I am sure I will.  I have been emotional all day and not for the reason you all are thinking. We went food shopping today and while I pushed Sloane around in a carriage, I saw a sight that broke my heart. A mom looking just like me letting her 2 year old in complete tutu and ballet shoe attire push her carriage. It was precious and heart breaking as the little girl had cancer. I wanted to cry at the sight but instead my daughter reminded me about life.....she said "momma, look at the little girl. she is strong pushing the carriage in her tutu." And I thought.....Yes, Sloane she is strong.

Tomorrow, there will be tears of happiness. I spent years wondering if Sloane would go to school with a feeding tube or unable to drink like her peers.
I will cry tomorrow:
because Sloane 's feeding tube is long gone,
because her sippy cup is filled with liquid in its natural form,
because my daughter has overcame the thick of her laryngeal cleft,
because Sloane will be as normal as the other children she is playing with,
because my child is spreading her wings...........

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