Well, we made it thru our first week of school. Both Sloane and I survived! LOL! It is a new adjustment for the whole family; there is a certain sense of hurry, hurry, hurry in the morning now. We had been without that for the majority of the time in our house over the last 3 years.
I am working on accepting the loss of control I have now. I had to hand over my keys to nonni so she could pick Sloane up from school today. I am a mom who likes to be in the thick of things so that is going to be a hard one for me every Friday. I, also, have to talk myself off the cliff a bit because Sloane didn't exactly drink as much as I would have wanted her to all week at school. I am so used to pushing Sloane to drink and monitoring her liquid intake that leaving it up to her is hard. I have been told that some children do not drink regularly...which I am sure is true, but Sloane never had this option. Since the moment we she was allowed to take liquids in her mouth, I have been shoving a straw in there with gentle as well as pointed reminders for her to drink. On Monday, I am going to chat with Sloane's teachers about what I think the drinking schedule in preschool should be.....LOL
Sloane seems to like it. She has some stories that we are trying to sort thru and find truth in....LOL The imagination, at 3, is nuts!! Add that to the drama queen I am raising and some stuff is head shaking!!
Over in Laryngeal Cleft land, we have 11 days to go before we see Dr. Rahbar. I'm kind of getting excited as Sloane is still healthy...shhhhh don't jinx me!! My hubby suggested that we run Sloane around the office before we see the good doctor to make her wheeze some. The wheeze still pops up frequently. A very good suggestion in my opinion. Mammie and I are thinking of making Sloane do sprints around the waiting room...The wheeze, the progress and the big picture of our LC world are on the table for discussion.
3 years ago this week, we were gearing up to come home from the NICU with no idea what lay ahead of us in regards to Sloane's laryngeal cleft. There was never a sense of hurry, hurry, hurry in our home. It was slow and steady to see progress and with that we did!!!!!!!!!!!!
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