Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hunkered Down

Sloane is sick. I am not sure of the exact time on Friday, but at one point within 5 minutes of each other, both my hubby and I said the words: Sloane feels warm. And that is how it begins folks!

Neither of us were overly concerned because tis' the season for summer viruses. I did have to laugh because the 102* fever showed up 2 hours before my first job interview in 20 years!! It was a quick dose of reality as to what happens when a mom works. I gave my hubby all the instructions and numbers needed to handle this unexpected medical pop-up while I pounded the pavement looking for a job! LMAO

Sloane's fever welcomed in its buddy of vomit by 7pm and we hunkered down for a quiet few days. By Saturday am, there was a trip to see Dr. Reibman. Its looking like a summer virus....was what she said. The diagnosis was a welcomed one, but I have to say the doom and gloom part of me wasn't convinced by Saturday night. Thoughts of pnuemonia came creeping into my head!! And from there, I jumped to a 2nd surgery. And then I just shut down.

Doom and gloom thought Sloane was breathing too fast and as soon as she said the words, my hubby said he thought the same thing. And so what does this mom do??? I took Sloane's pulse, counted the number of breathes she had in a minute, took a video of her breathing and sent it to all my go-to mommies at 11pm. Nuts I know!!!

It is Sunday afternoon now and Sloane is less miserable! Her fever has gone down. Miss Doom and Gloom is not rearing her head again unless Sloane is sicker tomorrow.

The one good thing about being hunkered down is that I am getting lots done around our house that gets neglected all summer. In the summer, we are a family of movers and shakers. Never really home! Small things, like organization and decorating gets put on the back burner. This weekend, I was able to do my favorite thing and my hubby least favorite. Move stuff around. LOL I love to move one piece of furniture from one place to another. Look at it for an hour and try it somewhere else. Actually, I love to move whole rooms around but my hubby nipped that in the bud as soon as I moved in with him.

This morning, I spent a few minutes straightening out our mud area cubby. And what did I do??? I hung up Miss Sloane's backpack and lunch bag. Sloane is going to school. For the next 15 years, a backpack will be hanging on this hook. That is unbelievable to me. Sloane is going to school. I hunkered her down as much as I could these past 3 years, but my daughter is ready to spread her wings.

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