My hubby and I were married 5 years last week. Marriage is like 2nd grade math. Milestones are based on increments of 5. Celebrating 5 years is a big deal. I believe the word I used and my hubby chuckled at was symbolic. LOL. We, unlike other couples around us, have celebrated our anniversary in a way that makes every other one seem dreamy. On our 2nd anniversary August 3rd, Sloane was in the NICU at day 14 of life receiving her diagnosis of a Laryngeal Cleft. It was a very dark time so any other kind of symbolic celebration in honor of our marriage is fine by me.
My gift from my hubby is a family trip. I had thought a bit ago that he might be scheming something and he was. As he said it Saturday night, "he is taking his 3 favorite girls away." That would be me, Sloane and "the machine", our babysitter. Nanna aka Lana is coming with us. I welcome the extra set of hands. I think it will give us time as a couple on our vacation. I am very excited to take Sloane on a plane. I know we would have done it already if it wasn't for our obsession with the feeding tube and germs.
Where are we going? No idea. I am seeing beach, water sports, and some relaxation. What do I know? I know that my daughter needs a passport. Now, this would be an easy peasy kind of errand you would think? Except for the fact that I had no idea where Sloane's birth certificate is???
I started thinking...did we get one? Where did I put it? I started looking in all the likely places. The baby book, the baby important paper file box, the safe. I come across piles and piles of medical paperwork that I can not even bare to look at. Discharge medical summaries, Early Intervention weekly goal sheets, followup instructions from ENTs, swallow study result summaries, and medical supply packing slips. I am not sure what bothered me more. Seeing the pile of those papers or not seeing a birth certificate?...
And then I started to panic. I had no recollection at all. Now, when Sloane was born it was not a peaceful time and the months that followed her homecoming were bogged down by paperwork, doctors appointments, and insurance issues so this document could be anywhere???
I decided to call my sister in law. She would surely remember since my niece is 9 months younger and her homecoming was far more peaceful. It seemed that as soon as I asked the question, I stumped her. Hmmmmmm, she said. I don't know. We must have it. And then as we chatted, she started looking in all her most likely places turning up nothing. We chatted about trying to recall the birth certificate process and nothing...we were both completely blank. She ends the convo telling me she is going to call my brother stating that he remembers things like this better than she does. So, I decide to call my hubby. He, too, like me has no idea. Which is a good thing in my opinion.
I, then, think this is a question for my go-to mommy. She has 3 kids. She must know where you get one of these ever so important documents. I am comforted by her answer. No, I do not have it. No, i did not misplace it. No, i have not blocked out receiving it. I need to head to City Hall to apply for it. Easy peasy!!! And we now have a birth certificate for our daughter 3 years later. On to filing for a passport.....
Today, I decided that if writing a cover letter for a job prospect was as easy peasy like writing a blog post than I would be a happier person.
Today, Sloane decided to add freakin' to her daily vocabulary. I heard "why is this freakin iPad not working?" and "look at this freakin toy, it is broken." If Sloane would magically forget the word freakin' I would be a happier person.
As a side note, we have no idea where she picked it up. My hubby and I use the bigdog f word if we are going to. Freakin isn't part of my daily chatter. Sloane could have picked up some not so nice words from us by now. Easy peasy....but not this one!!!!
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