Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Birthday....

A Sip Of Heaven's has celebrated its first birthday! For one year, I have been journaling Sloane's journey, our daily trails, and my inner voices. I took some time to think about what has happened over the past 365 days, one of my favorite sayings comes to mind...... "it's all good".

Sloane has made incredible progress being a toddler and in her laryngeal cleft world. A friend told me a few weeks ago how great she thought the blog was because I would forever have the chain of events of the past year in black and white print. A very true statement.

We are so grateful for how far we have come this year. When I read the old blogs I am reminded of not only the events, but the emotions that came with them. Last February, Sloane had a round the clock feeding tube schedule, was drinking minimal amounts of very thickened liquids and her prognosis was up in the air. One year later, Sloane is without a feeding tube, drinks liquids in their natural form and continues on a path of upward movement. The changes that have occurred are almost unbelievable. When we were in the throws of our LC world, I would have never dared myself to imagine we could have made so much progress in one year.

HUGE things that happened in our family and those are the things that should supersede all else....but the small things are really the ones I hold closest to my heart. The "ahhh" moments. The OMG gasps. The "you will never believe what she did" statements. Just this week, Sloane started dressing herself. She sits so patiently and buckles her shoes. Many days they are actually on the right feet! LOL

So one year later, Sloane 's laryngeal cleft remains as does her precocious spirit. Thank you to all our followers for sharing in our story with us. This blog has had over 6,200 hits from all over the world. Truly incredible! Here's to the next year's developments as Sloane's laryngeal cleft journey continues.

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