Dr. Rahbar's office contacted us back. Sloane's pneumonia was a moderate case located in her lower left lobe. I had asked how its location related to aspiration pneumonia. The answer wasn't what we had been told in the past by the non-specialists. We were told that aspiration pneumonia occurs in upper lobes, that is not accurate. According to Dr. Rahbar's office, aspiration pneumonia occurs in lower lobes. It is usually the right lobe, so in this case pneumonia in the lower left lobe is not truely diagnostic of an aspiration episode.
I would have liked a more decisive answer honestly. I think it would have helped me to not be wondering if every sip or cough was sending liquid into Sloane's lungs.
Today though, Sloane's cleft is not the issue haunting me. It is her behavior. OMG!!! HOLY SHIT!! WHAT THE F**K???? I have no idea what has happened in our house in the past 2 weeks. Sloane has become FRESHY FRESH!! I mean fresh like I'm in shock. Now lets be clear, I am a first timer so I am not prepared for this behaviors. They have been building and I have been taking them one at a time, but this past week I can not keep up. These freshy fresh tantrums dont pass by unaddressed, but it is clear that the approach I am using is not the correct one.
I do wish there was a secret website where mothers were honest about the tantrums they live through so I could read them all and feel better about our situation. Today at Sherwin Williams on our way out the door as I had Sloane on my hip, she was yelling about not wanting to leave, took 3 swings at me and then pulled my hair in clumps to the point that I had a headache. When all was said and done on her end and mine, I put her in her car seat and I sat in parking lot wondering what the F**K just happened. Am I raising a wild animal or is this the secret stuff that moms don't share out of embarrassment?? Today's adventures in our series As The Toddler Unravels did not end in the parking lot of Sherwin Williams. I can't even began to explain what happened at nap-time because I'm embarrassed......LOL!!!
I know it has gotten bad, because my hubby (who is soooo patient with Sloane and historically has worked through behaviors with her) is also shaking his head. I ask my friends and one is very honest to the point that she makes me feel better with each story. The others don't recall the intimate details or simply raised passive children. Sloane has never been passive and certainly is verbally expressive to the point that you think you are interacting with a 10 year old. Which is clearly the freaking problem!!!!!
Everyone has their approach. And after talking about it, thinking about it, reflecting on it, it is time for our family to get its approach. So I am off to read a book that has been recommended 3X over by the non-specialists and the specialists......
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