Today was one of those days that I could have tried more than once for reasons that were all too small, but seemed ever so big. And then I did cry. Exactly 12 hours after the first moment I wanted to cry, I let the flood gates open.
My guilty pleasure nightly is a log on to,, and I like to know what is happening in the real A story on the Today Show caught my attention. It was a piece about a dad who chronicled his son's life from a preemie to his homecoming 107 days later thru his first year of life. And so logged on and cried and cried more when I saw that his mom held him for the first time on Sloane's 2nd birthday.
Sloane was not a preemie and certainly didn't have the same medical equipment as Wade Miles, but the sounds of the NICU room, the sight of oxygen tubes and a NG tube topped off with an IV, the look in Wade's moms eyes, and the visions from the ride in the car to and fro the NICU, seeing Wade go home with a medical apparatus attached to him brought the tears....
I thought back to when we arrived home from the NICU with our feeding tube and severe case of reflex that left us all sitting upright for months terrified of gastric juices aspirating through Sloane's laryngeal cleft into her lungs...and how I would sit and watch Sloane 24 hours a day petrified that she would stop breathing. My MIL would gently urge me to move from crimson chair and half that I became a fixture in because Sloane's swing that she basically lived in was directly across from it.
I applaud Wade's dad for allowing the world to see the amazing journey of a preemie or a child with medical needs at birth.
Do you need a cry? it is all swaddled up in an amazing little boy! Here is the address....
Thank to Wade's dad......I needed that cry...for 12 hours it was brewing and stewing!!
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