Monday, June 24, 2013

It Sounded Fun

Tomorrow is the day! Sloane and I are officially separating for 3 1/2 hours for the first time in a "school" type way! Yikes! Sloane is going to Bible Camp for the week! Lol. Not really, bible camp, but it is camp at our church that teaches about the bible. More appropriately named Glory Days.

Now, I agreed to this months ago. Nonni runs the office of our church so she proposed the idea to me. It sounded fun. Sloane goes to our church for 4 mornings to be part of a singing and dancing type experience. It sounded fun. Sloane and I would have a trail run of being apart before she goes to preschool in September. It sounded fun. I would have 3 1/2 hours to myself for 4 days to myself....visions of the gym, effortless trips to the fabric store, and quiet hours on a lounge chair working on my tan lines danced in my head. It sounded fun....right up until tonight. The night before I have to drop by baby off into the care of people I do not know. Right now, bible camp doesn't sound  fun at all. LOL

I have grilled nonni a variety of times on the schedule of each day, who are the teachers and volunteers running the program, where Sloane will be in terms of location and the most important detail for me.....who will help Sloane use the potty? This one is torturing me at night. I'm obsessed with it. Sloane is potty trained, but we have a whole procedure in a public bathroom. To help relax some, I've drilled into Sloane that when she needs to the potty, she needs to ask her teacher to bring her to nonni. And I've convinced my mil in all my craziness to check on Sloane more than necessary!! LOL

I am not worried about tomorrow but I am consumed with leaving Sloane. It is 3 1/2 hours...that it a long time for my daughter. I am consumed with if her behavior will be ok, if she will be able to last to 12:30 or if she will get tired because naptime is around the corner, and if she will want nonni more than staying with the Glory Days group.

Bible Camp sounded fun right up until the moment that leaving Sloane for 3 1/2 hours tomorrow started consuming me.

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