Sunday, March 24, 2013

Free Spirit

Anyone who knows me, would probably tell you that I am a social butterfly as well as a bit goofy. Being reserved is something I save for when I am in a group of people I dont know (for the 1st 15 minutes that is) and for a situation that I am uncomfortable in. The general public will also confirm that Sloane looks exactly like her father. There is truly no-one who would disagree. We occasionally see glimpses of some other family members but they are fleeting. On the same token, no-one would disagree that my daughter has my personality. She is as much of a free spirit as I am and unfortunately (in some eyes...not mine though) is as silly at times.

A very wise person told me once, that one of the biggest mistakes a parent can make is to squash a child's spirit. I remember that daily. Sloane is out there bopping through her world and we love it!! Her nonni thinks singing classes. One of her best buds, Nessa, thinks music classes.  I dont doubt that there maybe a play in her future. After all, I was Mrs. Claus in the 2nd grade production of The Night Before Christmas! LOL

As I watch Sloane in dance class on Fridays (yes, I am surviving watching her from the window), I remind myself about her spirit. Sloane eagerly bops around the room as she smiles the most beautiful smile while the other children stand still and look on. Sloane pulls her tu-tu as high as she can get it giggling the whole time while the other children keep theirs neat and tidy. Sloane runs to the window, that I stalk her thru, and makes silly faces at me while the other children keep their eyes on Miss Sandy. As I shake my head and laugh inside (sometimes out loud), I am comforted when the other moms laugh with me or say things like "Look at Sloane. She loves it." or "I wish my daughter could be as comfortable as Sloane." or "Sloane is the cutest thing ever doing her own thing in class. She is pretty awesome." 

I am thankful that Sloane is as spirited as she is. I believe that her spirit is what has helped her come as far as she has in the laryngeal cleft world. I think that Sloane is as spirited as she is because of all the medical interventions that happened to her in the first year of life. And lastly, I wish I could be as spirited as Sloane is and wear my tu-tu as high as I can get it. 

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