Thursday, January 24, 2013


Sloane has been wearing big girl undies all week without any major issues. I think we have had a total of 5 accidents in the last 2+ weeks. I am thrilled with Sloane's progress.

The one issue that lingers is poop. Sloane fluctuates between running into the bathroom and doing her business without any help to days when she will try to do her business 4 to 5 times within an hour while whining "momma, I can't do it, it hurts, no poop." You never know what kind of day it is going to be!!

Sloane had some poop issues this week. There were good days and not so good days. My hubby has been traveling all week so tubbies have been all mine! The other night, I had Sloane in the tubby and it was like a scene from Disney World. Fun, Fun, Fun!!

Until I saw a teeny tiny little poop floating in the tub. It wasnt exactly a scene from Caddyshack since it was just the 2 of us, but it was a scene!! I surveyed the tub and all the toys floating in it with thoughts of Clorox...Take Me Away dancing in my head!!!

Sloane looked at the teeny tiny poop as it floated by with big eyes....big OMG eyes. I scooped her up with as much softness as I could. I didnt want this to be a negative experience at all. I dont want Sloane to have any uncomfortableness around the bathroom. Knowing that the warm bath relaxed her, I plopped her on the potty and sure enough there was a large showing in the potty.

As Sloane did her business, I emptied the tub and gave it the quickest, most thorough cleaning I could. Unlike the movie Caddyshack, we couldnt close our tub for business. I longed for my hubby who would have cleaned our tub like nobody's business. But within a few minutes, she was back in a fresh tub doing her thing.

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