Friday, September 7, 2012


Some days I feel like bartender. Mixing, Shaking, Pouring, and Serving. Sloane is consistently drinking which is AMAZING! There is chocolate milk in the morning, flavored water all day and the occasional treat of juice if we are out to dinner. I think I have a good handle on her cups. Basically, they are everywhere! There is a constant rotation going on in my diaper bag and my refrigerator.

Sloane is happy with one of her cups until she sees a plastic to-go ice coffee cup in my hand. Then its game over. Sloane wants that cup. Thankfully, she has been upgraded to a straw and can safely handle drinking her thickened liquid thru a straw. So the battle isnt one worth fighting.

This morning, her chocolate milk was transferred from her cup to a to-go plastic cup and she sipped away like a big girl as I nursed my iced latte. She was so proud of herself and I was on pins and needles waiting for the cap to go flying and chocolate milk to be long gone. Surprisingly, she flung and swung her cup around like it was a yo-yo and not a drop dripped away!

The cup to cup transfer can go off without a hitch at times. There is always a "I want that" with a finger point and a tone of urgency when Sloane sees my to-go cup. And with a swift move, her drink is poured from her cup to big girl to-go cup.

What doesn't go off without a hitch is when we are out at a restaurant that has kiddie cups. Sloane's eyes become as wide as golf balls and it is down hill from there. She sees the cup and she wants the cup. End of story.

Reasoning with Sloane as to how I have to pour the oz. of the juice we have ordered into her empty sippy cup to mix it with her packet of Simply Thick and then shake it before pouring it into the restaurant kiddie cup is USELESS. I have tried phrases like:
one minute
watch mommy do
turn up your listening ears
1 pour, 2 mix, 3 shake and done with a calm pleasant whisper.

It doesnt matter. The entire time I am doing my impersonation of Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail, she is:
I want it,
me do,
momma i do,
no, no no with a certain enthusiasm that can be heard 2 tables away. She sees the cup and it is tunnel vision until the cup hits her hands.

The 2 minute process feels like 10. The table is covered with empty glasses and cups, wrappers and usually a spill of JU. The waitstaff usually walks by and extra time to see what is occurring. There are nights when it is a bit of scene. Last night is a perfect example, I had to stand up to do my pouring. The song Kokomo should be playing in the background while these antics are occurring. It would have been so appropriate! To watch Sloane drink her entire cup of juice makes all of my bartending stints feel like the best job in the world!

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