Thursday, August 23, 2012

Memory Lane 9/3/2010

As I was posting this tonight, I started thinking about how we were dying to bring Sloane home once September had rolled around. We had been in the NICU since July 24th. It had been long enough and the g-tube surgery was the last procedure before we could be discharged. It was the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Now, that is not to say that it went off without a hitch. The night of Sloane's surgery (August 31, 2010 as she was recovering, 5 minutes after our primary nurse and make everything better person walked out the door, Sloane tore out the tubing just surgically sewn into her belly with her 2 toes in a fit of rage. I screamed because the screams she elicited were those of extreme pain. In the 7 weeks that had passed I had not seen this kind of cry. It was heart-breaking.
 The doctors & nurses came running, Sloane was gone from my arms once again and I was right back to our first day in the NICU crying like baby in the hallway. 
Crying for her pain, 
crying because I feared we wouldnt be able to go home as soon as we thought, 
crying because in my face again was the fact that there was something medically wrong with my child, crying because I didnt know if I was going to be able to take good enough care of her and 
crying because I was so afraid to take her home. 

Back to Memory Lane
4 Days after Sloane's Mickey Button Surgery
The Healing was in Full Progress 

hi everyone, thank you for checking in on us after sloane's surgery. she is slowly recovering. we are hoping by tuesday, which will be one week since surgery, that she is back to herself. her reflux and colic are certainly putting a damper on her need/want to rest and sleep. mommy and daddy are also feeling its affects! its very difficult to watch her so upset and in discomfort. we are hoping to be home w/in a week or 2. i know i keep saying that but i figure its got to be true at some point. LOL sloane's belly needs time to heal!!

she is getting so big..its crazy!! already almost 8lbs 6oz!!on tuesday she will be 7 weeks old!!! 

so this am as i was feeling a bit sad/overwhelmed about how uncomfy sloane has been feeling this week and the whole last 7 weeks here in the NICU...some days i just cant believe everything that has happened. i was sitting in the family room and i met a dad and we started chatting to which he tells me his daughter was born last sunday full term and suffered terminal brain damage in the last 2 days in the womb bc of a cord issue. he and his wife were just spending time with her while they have it. 

and there it was again from the big man upstairs: the reminder that it can always be worse!!


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