hi...i havent had internet in the room since we arrived bc the apple is having an issue connecting to the wifi, but today the hospital gave me a loaner. :) so now bc i dont have to leave sloane and go to the family center i thought id not only send you the important medical emails, but also the fun emails! they are real sticklers here about no phone calls in the room, no food in the room and no noise but its all for just cause.
i am thankful to be here with the nurses. they are awesome. i was so worried about giving her her first bath and whats better than having a nurse assist you.
she is off oxygen right now and we hope for forever. she had a steroid shot after the scope on monday to help with any swelling that occurred during the scope and it did help bc sloane hasnt needed oxygen. just shows us how inflamed her throat is...poor little peanut! she could need oxygen again if it wears off or if she refluxes more but for now its wonderful!! the good news is we now know that she doesnt need the oxygen for any damage to her lungs but for inflammation in her throat. hopefully time on the meds and no more refluxing will hlep that. she is up to her birth weight too!! they tell me their top job here is to make babies plump!!!
we were going to go to dinner last night for anniversary but as soon as our jellybean got wind of that she put on her cranky pants and made sure we didnt leave. so it was a big welcome to parenthood for us....we were thinking bacaro, al forno or nouvo for dinner bf she got fussy and that quickly became a take out salad from applebees at 10pm...LOL
the geneticists came to see us bc sloane's birth defect is so rare. they need to be sure that her laryngeal cleft is not part of a bigger syndrome. we had to go through all sorts of questions and observations of sloane to see if she presented any other odd qualities. not fun! and what do we find out...that sloane is all her daddy in the looks department....right down to the wider set apart eyes "that models have" according to the geneticists..good god thats all we need daddy and daughter hitting the runway.....LOL what does she has of her momma who carried her...thumbs!! she has my double jointed thumbs as of right now and maybe my lips!! LOL more to come on that....
isnt it hard to believe sloane has only been here for 15 days and she turned our lives and hearts upside down...........xo
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