The whole truth and nothing but the truth is: we have been busy since Wednesday. Here is the rundown:
1. a successful play date at home
2. a dance party
3. some mother's day shopping
4. a visit to the nail salon
5. breakfast on the water
6. outdoor nature walks
7. an ice cream date
There is half the truth.
The other half of the truth is that Sloane is congested with a runny nose. I didn't want to put it out there because once I said would be true. How crazy is that. "The machine" used a phrase this weekend that I loved (she has lots of them). Anyhow, it was "???? has peter pan syndrome (living in never never land)" I had Peter Pan syndrome since the first drip, drip , drip on Thursday. I guess I thought if I didnt admit it, it wouldn't be true. So here is goes: Sloane has a small cold. There I said it!!
Can you believe it?? After I celebrated the end of cold and flu season, after I sent a card to our ped saying yahoo, and days before the swallow study. A cold!!! Obviously, we need Sloane at 100% to have an accurate swallow study so I am going to wait until tomorrow to see if we should cancel and reschedule it.
It is actually comical....not a runny nose or congestion for 21 months and just days before the VERY IMPORTANT swallow study...a fucking cold. Now, could it be allergies? Yes, it could be but nevertheless because of this drip, drip, drip and snort, snort, snort.....Sloane is not at 100%. So what to do about Tuesday????
I would be lying if I said this drip and snort combination was affecting Sloane. It isn't. She is happy as a calm. Her sleep was off last night with some "mommas, ups, daddys, and i want yous," from 3am to 4:30am last night. But aside from that she has been her little old self. I, on the other hand, an quite proud of myself for being so calm about this little germ. A year ago, even months ago, I would have been a nervous wreck!!
Is it a huge deal to reschedule? No, not at all. I am sure they will fit us in before mid-June. What is it: another lesson in parenthood. A drip that reminds us there are no plans written in stone, a snort that says there should be no ink markings on a calendar, a drip that reminds us there are no textbooks answers, and a snort that says parenthood is full of surprises!!!
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