Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Rookie Mistake

Today was what my hubby would call a rookie mistake. We left the house early today to do errands. The breakfast tube was at 8:30 so lunch would be around 12:30. I thought we would be home by then and decided not to take the tube. Packing everything up seemed like an unnecessary chore today.  I'm not sure what exactly I was thinking. Anyhow, we weren't anywhere near home at 12:30. In the past, this would not have mattered as much but we have transitioned over to one nap around lunchtime and I could tell Sloane aka SJ was fading fast today. She was going to fall asleep without lunch therefore hungry so the nap wouldn't be rejuvenating enough.  If you have a toddler on a tube, you know that long gone are the days when you could plug them in while sleeping without them waking up. What to do???? I decided to make a pit stop at one of my favorite local spots for lunch. I threw caution to the wind and fed SJ her oral lunch without a tube knowing that she can now drift into dreamland as she pleases with no worries. 

Rookie mistake.... not taking the tube. I did wonder today if SJ didn't have a tube, would I have an empty bottle in my extras box in my truck or would I have been in the same situation.  Is it easier for children who can drink by mouth? Or do I just imagine it is because this is all I know? Unexpectedly missing a tube feed isn't the end of the world, but it is an adjustment for me when the past 18 months have been built on a schedule built by myself and SJ's  medical professionals. This is what you do when you can't control your child's try to control every other aspect of their life to remain sane. 

As for was an example of coming full circle. Where we had lunch today was the sample place that I ate at least twice a week when SJ was in the NICU. It was meaningful going back there for the first time with my daughter for a mommy and me lunch!

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